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With over 5 years of unalloyed integrity and staunched professionalism, our dedicated HR Managers provides high-quality HR advice across the full spectrum of HR services for various industries. We offer pragmatic advice on technical matters relating to HR issues including:
We partner with our clients to optimize their talent management processes and reduce volatility, ensure a highly engaged and productive workforce so that our clients can focus on the core of the business. Our Certified HR Experts ensures your business stays compliant, setting up your HR the right way to ensure you protect your business from fines and lawsuits in the long run. Get access to valuable information and resources to ensure your business keeps succeeding today.
A dedicated People Manager is assigned to each employee and will be responsible for the coordination of all resources to meet the needs of the staff on the job.
Onboarding your staff will give them access to health management insurance (HMI), soft loans, birthday gifts, wedding gifts, benefits, and compensations.
We are proactive and ensure due diligence at managing the benefit and remuneration of our staff including their salaries, pensions, taxes, bonuses.
Our employee self-service portal is everything you need to manage your HR process by eliminating tedious processes so that you can focus on your team.
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HR | Business Process, People, Fleet, Facility Management and Software Outsourcing Company, Ghana